Ok, so on with the scientific studies. I often talk to DLB about how excited we are, how we love him/her so much, and sometimes a little scolding if there's a little too much bladder bouncing going on. That last one is so I can feel a little involved in this whole incubation thing since Danielle seems to be capitalizing on all that stuff so far. Anyway, back to my little test. This afternoon I called "Laura Anne" to the right side of Danielle's belly and got a kick. Tried "Laura" on the left side and got the same result. Then I tried "Daniel Laurence" and "Daniel" and neither one illicited any response. After entering the results into the new Microsoft Baby Aural Response Analysis and Scientific Synopsis (or M-BARASS for short) I have come to the conclusion that our baby must be girl since the response to it's new name was so obvious and immediate. Or it is definately a boy and was simply bopping me in the head for being so silly to call him by the girls name. That and we all know that if a boy is concentrating on something, like let's say growing a lung or toenails or watching baseball, it takes alot more than 2 or 3 times of calling of his name to get any response so it really could point towards DLB using selective hearing. Which I think is developed in week 30 so we are way ahead of the game!
So basically we still only know we are having a baby, and it's o' so stinkin' cute!

As I recall we also called you "Lumpy" for a little while there!!
The baby is soooo cute!!
As I recall we also called you "Lumpy" for a little while there!!
The baby is soooo cute!!
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