Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Final due date...for now

The doctor placed our due date back to March 24th at the last appointment so I guess that is what we're shooting for. I've been told that that's a great month as my side of the family has no birthdays in March so DLB will be able to have no competition or grow up sharing the cake candles with a relative. Actually growing up we never had that, just now that we are older and can handle the diminishing importance of our birthday. I'm kidding, my 17th 21st birthday was a momentous event!

Interesting though that the 24th is positioned almost directly in the middle of two "holidays". If born a week earlier on the 17th and it's St. Patricks Day, a week later on the 1st and April Fools Day is looming. Leprechaun vs. Fool. As for a birthday on the 1st, you get is a lifetime of people playing cruel jokes on your birthday. I have to lean towards the Irish holiday as I believe you get Irish citizenship and a woolen sweater with your birth certificate on that day. Ooh and maybe a shileleigh!


Bruce and Linda said...

Mike and Danielle:

Your Dad sent us your blog today.

First, Congratulations! You will push your parents ahead of Linda and Bruce in the grandchild sweepstakes. At last count, we are grandparents of six: Leigh and Jeff are parents of the year, parents of three girls, and Steve and Julie, also parents of the year, are parents of three boys. Somehow, that math suggests that more may someday be on the way.

Second, we love the Blog. It is written as though Mike is the author, but our guess is there has been ample ghost writing by Danielle. Please keep it going.

Our best wishes to you both and especially to DLB.

Our Story said...

We are so excited for you both! Being parents is the most wonderful blessing in the whole wide world. You will enjoy it more than you could possibly imagine. Isabella is the best gift God has ever given to us and I'm sure you will feel the same way about DLB. We added you guys to our blog, it is http://boosbugle.blogspot.com/
Love, Chris, Karissa, and Isabella

Cyndi Cain said...

Dani & Michael:
Congratulations! I vote on March 9th because that is Christina's birthday and by then you will be ready! Enjoy him or her while he or she is young because he or she will grow up to be a teenager and that is so... much fun!
Hugs - Cyndi, Dave & Christina

Leigh Juliano said...

Congratulations! "Uncle Bruce" shared your blog with us and we're thrilled for all three of you! Keep the great posts coming!
Cousin Leigh

Dru-Lynn said...

If DLB (is that what you are calling the dear one) is born on April 1st- they will be in marvelous company : )