Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The confirmation of the news

So today we finally got to go in to see the doctor to make sure that we were not just misreading the 2 previous tests through our will to conceive. Or maybe it wasn't the best piece of electronics Danielle has ever peed on.

Now this is my first visit to an OG/GYN but believe it or not I was more excited than nervous! Danielle not so much. She's excited but not looking forward to the whole ultrasound probe thing. I can understand this, if I needed to do this we would probably just keep raising our 4 dogs and 2 cats as our kids.

Anyway, Danielle gets to sport the groovy paper gown with the oh so warm paper quilt and the doctor proceeds to show us our first look at our "egg sac". Yep that's what its called at this stage. Sounds like we're giving birth to the newest creation at IHOP. But you know what? That's OUR egg sac, our beautiful little cluster of cells. We (I) cried again after the doctor left us with our grainy radar screen ultrasound pictures.

ItSheHe has my eyes by the way.

Our tentative due date is March 24th. We managed to miss the heat almost completely much to Danielle's happiness. We plan so well.

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