Tuesday, August 12, 2008

DLB, gimme a beat!

So we had our second visit today and I must admit I feel like I'm a little kid waiting to see what is inside the biggest christmas present that my parents have so nicely put under the Christmas tree 2 weeks prior to the big day. I can't wait to see the "egg sac" (what ever we should be calling it now) and how DLB is growing. Lo and behold DLB has grown like crazy and the first thing we see is this amazing little flutter vibrating at what seems like a thousand miles a second. Already DLB has a heartbeat and you know it is dang near the cutest little heartbeat ever! I will never forget how amazed and proud I am to see this life emerging inside my beautiful wife, every day I feel so blessed that God has provided us our baby.

Today I did not want to ask any questions, didn't want to repeat the last visit. I almost made it but had to ask one when the doctor said that since Danielle's blood was rh+ she would probably need a shot of Rogaine later in the pregnancy. My mind immediately stopped and tried to figure out why she would start loosing her hair due to her blood during pregnancy and my mouth did not hesitate to blurt out a question. Luckily in this instance, somewhere between my minds dictionary and my unthinking tounge, I simply asked "What was that for?" rather than "Is my wife going to be balding?" or worse yet "Will that make the baby look like a gorilla when it's born?". I'm either learning or lucky that a twist of fate preemted my words. I love fate.

The shot was of Rogam and honestly I don't know if I understood what it was for other than to ensure that this baby and any others in the future were compatible with Danielle's blood. He did not sound very concerned with it so I'm sure it's minor.

Not important like male pattern baldness.

This is our first picture of our egg sac from the first visit.

My how time flies. The doctor estimates DLB is 7 weeks old now and our tentative due date is March 31st. Hopefully not a day later on April Fool's Day. My wife won't deal with 2 of those in the house.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Waiting to explode

If you are reading this we have finally decided it was the time to let the world know of the single most incredible news that we have ever had to keep secret. Not that there is a long list of secrets we have kept from everyone, but if there was then this would definitely be the most incredible. But at the time I'm writing this we are cautiously waiting out the first trimester in order to make sure all is well before announcing our amazing new life.

We had a family gathering at Mikey's church the other day with Paula and Jess, Mikey and B, and Paul and Josie and the kids. The sermon was put together by the Youth Ministry Team at CCV and the message was raising the next generation of teens to be a positive dynamic in the spread of the Word and the growth of the church. At first I thought it was not really going to talk to me like some sermons do, but I was wrong. The main theme was that we are all family in Christ and that as such we are all responsible for the actions and teachings we may not even know we are showing to the youth. I figured that since our DeeLeeBob was quite a long ways from the void of reason that we call the teenage years this would not really apply to me. When the pastor pointed out that even if we did not have teenagers of preteens we all affect their view of what being a Christian is. I leaned over to Danielle and whispered in her ear "We are the parents of a pre-teen". Even at this stage in life I realize I should be looking at how we are reflecting Christ so our child sees a good example.

My how time seems to fly. Seems like only yesterday our little one was just 2 cells wrestling to split into 4 and now D-L-B is already a pre-teen.

It makes me think that the next 6 weeks of waiting to announce is gonna fly right by.